I managed to do a bit of work this evening.  I wanted to put something behind the stud-work to help keep the mineral wool in place once installed.  I came up with another one of my bright ideas!!  Basically I attach some strapping (the type used for packaging) around the outside of the framework, secure one end then pull the other tight and secure that.  Well, I did this tonight and it seems to have worked out quite well and should at least keep the mineral wool in position, though I doubt that it would move much if cut tight to the stud-work.  Oh well it's done now so another job off the list.  



I have also been doing some thinking with regard the ventilation of the room and I've made the decision to install the extractor fan in the garage instead of in the studio room itself.  The garage is totally disconnected from the studio room so this will provide better isolation of the fan noise.  The fact that I'd already used the rectangular ducting between the two room means I can utilise that for the extractor, though it does mean I'll have to make an additional hole for the electrical ducting.